
Employer Savings


Employer Net Savings


Monthly Contributions

Employee Contribution

Employer Contribution

Combined Contributions

Number of Employees

Total Monthly Contributions

Tax Savings

Payroll Tax

Employees also save 7.65% for a combined payroll tax savings of 15.30%.

Monthly Tax Savings

Annual Tax Savings


Monthly Lively Fees - per account

Net Savings

Monthly Net Savings

Annual Net Savings

Monthly Break Even Point

The minimum combined employer and employee monthly contribution to offset Lively's fee with tax savings.

Cost and Contributions

Edit your contribution numbers below to test multiple scenarios.

According to Devenir’s 2019 Year-End HSA Market Statistics & Trends report, the average employee HSA contribution was $169 per month or $2,034 annually in 2019.

Disclaimer: Employers must have an active Section 125 Cafeteria Plan in place to benefit from payroll tax savings. The payroll tax savings calculator excludes any potential unemployment tax savings. Please be sure to speak with a tax and/or legal professional as nothing on this page is intended to provide tax or legal advice.