Give your employees the HSA they want, without adding more to your to-do list
Offering a world-class HSA shouldn’t add more work to your plate. That’s why employers love our hassle-free approach to managing HSA administration.
A single source of truth for HSA management
Add or remove employees and update contributions in seconds using your admin dashboard. Get up-to-date information on the number of employees enrolled and their latest status.
Paperless onboarding
Say goodbye to annoying administrative paperwork. All you need to do is add your employees’ names, email addresses, and health plan effective dates. We’ll take it from there. Have more than 20 employees? Contact Sales to learn how to enroll employees in bulk.
Integrated Reporting
Access robust reporting functionality to track employee eligibility, monthly activity summaries, status reports, and more.
Automated alerts
We’ll notify you when action is needed, or if tasks are in your queue for completion. With Lively, nothing falls through the cracks.

Tax-free investment solutions
Help employees make their HSA dollars work harder. With Schwab Health Savings Brokerage Account from Charles Schwab and HSA Guided Portfolio from Devenir, they will have access to two industry-leading investment solutions that align with their financial goals.
No fee to offer employees the option to invest
First-dollar investing available for both solutions
Fund with one-time, sweep, or recurring transfers
Conveniently integrated with single sign-on

Schwab Health Savings Brokerage Accounts are offered through Charles Schwab & Co., Inc (Member SIPC), the registered broker/dealer, which also provides other brokerage and custody services to its customers. See the Charles Schwab Pricing Guide for Health Savings Accounts for full fee and commission schedules.